On the undersurface of the penis, there is a band of skin (the frenulum) that attaches the skin (or foreskin) of the penile shaft to the head of the penis (glans). If this frenular attachment is too tight or inserts too high on the glans it can result in excessive tension and a condition known as frenulum breve or a frenular tether.
Excessive skin tension can lead to:
- Restricted motion of penile skin and difficulty retracting the foreskin
- Pain with erections
- Tearing or cracking of the frenulum
- Downward deviation of the head of the penis with erection
Frenular tethers can be effectively treated with a minor surgical procedure known as a frenuloplasty where the tight frenular tether or skin band is released. This procedure can be performed in conjunction with a circumcision or as an isolated procedure to allow for foreskin preservation.